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Mentored Engineering Research

Apply for IMMERSE

Summer 2025 Applications
Open: November 5th, 2024
Close: January 20th, 2025

Why should I participate in IMMERSE?

IMMERSE pays you as an undergraduate researcher while you are still in school. IMMERSE will provide you with training and experience that you will not get in any class, including how to work in a team, how to prepare and give technical presentations, and how to carry out an independent research project. After participating in IMMERSE, you will be much more attractive to graduate schools and employers than someone who was not involved in undergraduate research activities. IMMERSE faculty can provide letters of recommendation and references and the technical publications you will be a part of will set you apart from other applicants.

Is participating in IMMERSE better than getting an internship?

IMMERSE pays you as an undergraduate researcher while you are still in school. IMMERSE will provide you with training and experience that you will not get in any class, including how to work in a team, how to prepare and give technical presentations, and how to carry out an independent research project. After participating in IMMERSE, you will be much more attractive to graduate schools and employers than someone who was not involved in undergraduate research activities. IMMERSE faculty can provide letters of recommendation and references and the technical publications you will be a part of will set you apart from other applicants.

What is expected of students chosen for the IMMERSE program?

IMMERSE is a very unique opportunity. It is rare to find a program willing to pay and train students after their second academic year to perform real research tasks. Because of the time and monetary investment we will be making in you, we expect a certain commitment in return. First, we expect you to fully participate in all of the IMMERSE meetings and activities and to work diligently on your research project. Secondly, we expect that after your first summer in IMMERSE you will either return to participate in a second summer as an experienced student mentor or will seek out an internship in the microelectronics area.

Can I take classes in the spring and summer and still do IMMERSE?

Many beginning IMMERSE students will take classes during the spring semester. However, we would expect you to work at least 20 hours in the IMMERSE program during that semester. During the summer semester, we would expect you to work at least 30 hours in the IMMERSE program, with 40 hours being preferable.